Monday, September 17, 2012

Peach-tastic Salsa

I love this salsa. I am just going to tell you this up front. It is to die for. It is really sweet with a definite kick of spicy at the end. You will love it too. And it really isn't difficult. 95% of this recipe is chopping so it isn't that difficult and goes by fast if you chop to music.


-2 peaches
-two roma tomatoes
-1/4 of an onion
-one avocado
-two limes
-lemon juice
-one yellow pepper (if you don't want it as spicy choose a green pepper, to kick up the spice use a red one or even habanero peppers)
-chile flakes
-one tablespoon of olive oil
-1/8 of a cup of cilantro
-one clove of garlic

What to Do:

  1. Cut a shallow X into the bottom of each of the peaches. This helps get the skin off of them much easier. Then simmer the peaches in hot water. The skin will start to become really loose, take it out soon at this point. The longer you keep it in in this stage, the mushier the peaches will be.
  2. Then submerge the peaches in a bowl with icy water in them to keep the peaches from mushing. Once the peaches have become cool, peel the skin off. If it doesn't come off easily, put them in the hot water again and try the process over. Once the skin is off, dice the peach up.
  3. Then dice the tomatoes, 1/4 of the onion, avocado, and pepper. I cut the pepper up into even smaller pieces.
  4. Put the onion pieces in a pan and sautee them with a little bit of olive oil. Once they are translucent, add them to the other diced things in a big bowl. At this stage, you have the diced peaches, tomatoes, sauteed onions, avocado, and pepper in a bowl.
  5. Chop the cilantro up and mince the garlic. Add the two to the mixture.
  6. Put one half of a lemon's worth of juice on the mixture and mix together.
  7. Cut the two limes in half. Squeeze the lime juice on the mixture and stir.
  8. Add the chile flakes to your liking. I added maybe two and a half tablespoons worth and that was enough of a kick for me.
  9. Mix all of this together and Ta Daa! You are done!

I put my peach salsa on top of tilapia and it was to DIE for! I also plan on putting it on chicken, salads, and yet more tilapia as well as eating it with chips.

College Contessa Rating: Definite Corporate Pump
Added onto anything else like fish, chicken, or whatever your heart desire and it will most assuredly be a Platform Stiletto

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