Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Easy As Pumpkin Pie Muffins

Lately, I have been feeling the spirit of fall. I have also been super swamped with school so I wanted to come up with a way to make something in the essence of fall as well as not spend tons of time or money on it. So I made pumpkin muffins! And they are super easy. Anyone could do this. I mean anyone, even the person that ruins slice and bake cookies could do this. So I dawned my japron (jean apron) and made my dream into a reality. Anyway, this is how to do it and you will love me for this forever because they are delicious and nutritious! (well they are better for you than a cupcake but taste like one so therefore they are more nutritious)


-One can of canned pumpkin
-One vanilla cake mix
-Brown sugar

What to Do:
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Combine the can of pumpkin and the cake mix into a bowl and stir them together.
  3. Add about a handful of brown sugar to the mix. You can add more or less depending on how big of a sweet tooth you are
  4. Put the mix into a cupcake tin. Add a sprinkling of brown sugar on top of every one and bake in the oven for 23-28 minutes.

This recipe for me made 24 cupcakes as well as 12 mini cupcakes

Now I will just warn you, these muffins are pumpkiny but if you were expecting a muffin to overpower you with pumpkin flavor, this is not the correct mix for you. If you want more of a taste of fall in your muffin, I would add some nutmeg, cinnamon, or pumpkin spice flavoring to it. The muffins are definitley pumpkiny but not exactly to the extent that one would have in eating an actual pumpkin if anyone actually does that.

College Contessa Rating: Solid Corporate Pump

One thing that we did to make them 10 times better (even though they are to die for already) was to add chocolate chips to them. This made them much moister and really delicious with the chocolate chips on top. If you want to make it even less healthy, I added some cream cheese icing on top to make them the best things at any party but they aren't super healthy anymore. What a shocker! With the added things on top, this recipe gets bumped into a major Platform Stiletto

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